Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pictures from Sisatchanalai

I finally have some pictures from Si satchanalai. These pictures are from our tour of Sawananan Wittaya school. Notice Chem students that not only do Thai chemistry students need to learn the names of compounds, they have to learn english notation for the chemicals!! One of the teachers there told me that often times they have to learn english first in order to learn about chemistry. And you thought you had it tough.. They also have an ag program and grow many crops and ornamentals in green houses (shaded?) and gardens.
Russ Nelson and Fred Schlichting from Solon Springs who are traveling with me also have a blog about our trip. We have created a link to their site if you want to view their blog. Just find Mr. Nelson under followers and his blog is listed there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judy,

    It's pretty impressive what you are experiencing. I wish we'd put half as much resources into our schools as they seem to be doing (I'm assuming that teaching English and teaching in English is a commitment). Hope you are fine! Can't wait so hear all about your trip.


    Karen (sister2)
